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发表日期:2021/5/24 16:52:54作者:司晓霞 有1263位读者读过


主题:An interesting country    




1.Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1.掌握词汇:countrywillfind out sendkangaroo koala Sydney


3. 能理解story time内容并能探究、合作去查找获取所需信息。

4. 能意识到合作能力和开拓视眼的重要性并付诸于实际生活。

2.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1. 初步理解will构成的一般将来时用法。

2. 能理解story time内容并能探究、合作去查找获取所需信息。

3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力

3.Teaching and learning methods教学方法:



Look for some information about Australia, exercise paper, PPT,

Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1 Preparation

1 Greetings

2 Show the title " Unit 6 An interesting country" ,learn :country----countries

And know what will we do this period.

a .Pass three English tests

b. Talk about plans with”I’ll…”

c. Talk about the interesting country

d. Look for other interesting countries by reading or surfing

给出Tips: When we learn sth., what will we  do? We should make a plan because time is limited.


Step 2 Presentation

Finish three tests to see whether students can visit an English speaking country .Test 1:Words turn around ; Test 2:IQ movement ; Test 3: Information collecting.

Test 1:Words turn around. Match the country with nation and famous things to review old knowledge.

T:Boys and girls, do you know these countries the famous placespeople and language ?Let's match and say

T: Congratuations! You passed it.

【设计意图】复习以前学过的国家、国籍、各国特色建筑,人民及语言知识,并作相应新知Culture time的渗透。

Test 2:IQ movement.

1.Write down your puzzles about Australia.(教师课前在黑板划好线,请学生上来板书问题,到时候用其它颜色粉笔标注答案,学生未涉及的问题教师可以补充,从而使板书形成完整系统

.T:The name of this period is "An interesting country" is among the countries you saw just now. Guess Which is “An interesting country”?

Ss: It's Australia.

T:Bingo.What do you want to know about Australia ? Would you please tell me your puzzles.?And please write down on the blackboard.

S1: Where is it?

S2: What is the capital of Australia?

S3: What is the specialty ?

S4:What's the weather like ?

S5:How are the people there?

S6:What animals are there?



2.Think and say

T:OK.We'll read about the map. Maybe we can answer puzzle 1.It's here, in Oceania. And how do you learn about Australia.教读:well=we will我们将

S1:I'll..... 教读Ill=I will 我将




you'll=you will

they'll=they will

he’ll=he will

she’ll=she will


3.think and talk:

T:The children in Miss Li's class will also learn about Australia next week .They want to find out(发现) about this country before the lessons. Look at the picture, think and talk.

A:What will ______ do to find about Australia?



4. Let's check

T:Read the text. Let's check .

tips:    快速浏览课文,碰到生词,可根据上下文推测其意。学习spend  end send发送

T:Did you finish reading ?Let's check.

Ss: Mike will ask his e-friend. Wang Bing will ask Mr Green .Liu Tao will read about Australia on the Internet.

T:Bright children, all are right.

Do a report .

children in  Miss Li’s class will  also ______ ______ Australia next week .They want to find out about this ______ before the lessons.

Mike ______ ask his e-friend in Australia . She  can send him  some photos. ______ ______will ask Mr. Green .He comes from Australia.

______ ______ will read about Australia on the Internet . ______ ______ will go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.

T: 为什么我们在三单后还是用了动词原形呢?

S: will是情态动词,后加动词原形。

【设计意图】从think and say,到think and talk,到全班check,到report,will的用法不断出现在了这4个环节,意在本课难点的化解和重点的突破。

5.Do exercise on Page 60.True or false

1.The children will learn about Australia.                   _______

2.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia.             _______

3.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia.                _______

4.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia.                       _______

5.Yang Ling will read books about Australia.               _______

6.Australia is an interesting country.                        _______

T:Congratuations.You passed Test 2.

Test 3: Information collecting

  1. 请四人一组,不得互看纸条。其中三人得到了一段澳洲的信息,你们只有通力合作,才能完成第四位同学的表格顺利通关哦,加油吧!


2.Read and order:(教师领读)


(   )Hi, everyone . Do you like Australia ? You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport-lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.


1.Reading time

T:Boys and girls, read the story time on P58-59 by yourselves . Choose a way you like , you can do PK, group or separate work.


T:Find out: Why  is Australia  an interesting country?

【设计意图】前后呼应,再次点题,让学生各抒己见,探讨澳大利亚成为“an interesting country”的缘由。

T:Congratuations.You have passed three tests. You may have the ability to go abroad.

2.Look back

T:Let's look back, after learning ,we know... Finish unanswered questions after class.


T:Boys and girls , use your head and be a broader perspective in your daily life.

【设计意图】本堂课所有的设计意图都是根据学生们对澳大利亚人文、地理、风土人情这一好奇心展开的三次闯关,而本堂课的本质是以课堂为依托而进行的一次次的“思维冲击”和把思维转化成自己想要表达的英语语言。本节课所有的要点可以归结为“use your head”。在本堂课中,从学生提出的想要了解的澳大利亚的问题,到解决这一问题提出的方案,都不是死板的书本知识,而是一个探索、探究的过程,可以说整堂课就是一场思维迸发的运动。

3.Enjoy the video and know more about Australia.

【设计意图】紧张的三个环节冲刺画上圆满记号,让学生们放松心情,认识澳大利亚的另一个美好层面,be a broader perspective..

Step 4:Homework

Lever 1: Everyone must finish

1.Copy the new words in this period.

2.Write a passage about Australia.

Lever 2:You can choose to finish

1.Look up dictionaries and surf the Internet ,then write a passage about another interesting country.


Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 6 An interesting country    (1st period)

Where is it? It's in Oceania

What is the capital of Australia?

What is the specialty ?

What's the weather like ?

How are the people there?

What animals are there? There are kangaroos and koalas.

C:\Users\dell\Documents\Tencent Files\1762722341\FileRecv\MobileFile\IMG_1819.JPG




司晓霞: 本节课教学效率高,课堂容量很大,学生思维活跃,气氛热烈。不同层次的学生都能参与,学生收益面大。从我的记录来看,将近三分之二的学生都举手发言且仅有少量错误,而且很多情况下学生对自己在回答中的失误都能自己给予纠正,这说明,该班级的不同层次的学生都学有所得。通过这堂课,我更加清楚认识到一个课堂只有让学生积极参与,才为有效,才为有趣。一个课堂,老师说的在多,学生不会也是低效;老师真正应该是引导者,这样不仅减轻了学生的负担,也培养了学生的自主学习能力,当然老师的引导作用很大,而且应该逐步检测学生的掌握情况,这样课堂也才不流入形式。


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