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发表日期:2021/11/21 22:05:20作者:司晓霞 有1075位读者读过



主题 Unit4 Hobbies(cartoon time song timesound timecheckout time)  







3.能熟练掌握句型I/We like doing… He/She likes doing…并能进行灵活运用。


教学重点:能熟练掌握句型I/We like doing… He/She likes doing…并能进行灵活运用。



Step1Revision time


2.复习Story time板块

T: What does Mike like doing? S1.2... ( fill in the blanks according to the text)

T: What does Yang Ling like doing ? S1...

T: What do Su Yang and Su Hai like doing? S...

3. Let’s play!

T: Please guess What do they like doing?”

What do they like doing? 根据图片提示,猜测图中人物喜欢的爱好是什么。

a. What does she like doing? (马路、安全帽、自行车)------She likes riding bikes.

b. What does he like doing? (河流、沙滩椅、钓鱼竿)------ He likes fishing.

c. What do they like doing?(打篮球、电影海报、书)------ They like reading.

4. Ask and answer

由猜测老师的爱好 “What do you like doing?”到询问学生的爱好 “T:What do you like doing?

S: I like...” 再到生生间的互问 “What do you like doing? I like...”

5. Let’s chant

a.T: (示范) What do you like doing? I like reading. (根据节拍)

What do you like doing? I like climbing

师生齐读剩余两句: What do you like doing? I like singing.

What do you like doing? I like dancing.

b.Ask and answer (根据节拍)

师生齐问某一位学生: What do you like doing? S1. I like...

c. Summary

d. Ticking time.

Step2Fun time

1.T: Boys and girls, I know you have a lot of hobbies. They are really fun.

Look! We have a new friend here. Who’s she?

(点击课件中Mary) Hello, I’m Mary. Nice to meet you!

S: Nice to meet you too.

M: I’m an English girl. I’m eleven years old. Look at this picture.

Can you guess what do I like doing? (课件显示图片1)

S1: Do you like reading?

M: Yes, I do. (课件显示图片3)

M: I like drawing very much. What about you? What do you like doing, boys and girls?

2.T: Mary wants to know your hobbies. Let’s do a survey! (课件播放音乐,短暂播放5)

T: Here’s a form. Let’s do a survey in four. I have some learning tips for you.

Let’s have a look. (课件显示要求)

T: First, you should do a survey in four.

Next, ask and answer in English.

Then, tick your group members’ hobbies in the form.

Finally, try to introduce your group members’ hobbies.

T: How to introduce your group members’ hobbies? You can talk like this:

In our group, Mary likes drawing.

T: If some of you have the same hobbies. You can introduce like this:

In our group, Mary and Tom both like drawing.

In our group, we all like drawing.

T: Look at this new word. Can you read it?

S: Group.

T: Very good!

3.T: Which group can show?

S: Let me try!

T: OK, please.

S1: In our group, Tony likes watching films. May likes playing the piano. Jack likes singing.

Tony and I both like reading. We all like drawing.

T: Excellent!

T:(点击)Mary likes drawing.

4. Ticking time

Step3Sound time

1.Look and answer

通过人物Mary的图画作品,引出Mary最喜欢的颜色yellow,为接下来的Sound time环节的学习打下埋伏。

(课件出示Mary穿黄衣服图)T: Yes. Look! What does Mary have?

S1: She has yellow shoes.

S2: She has a yellow hat.

S3: She has a yellow dress.

T: Yes. She has yellow shoes, a yellow hat and a yellow dress.

(点击) T: She likes wearing yellow.

(点击出示单词where)T: Can you read this word?

S: where

(点击出示单词wear) T: Now can you read this word?

S: wear

T: She likes wearing yellow.

S: She likes wearing yellow.

2.Listen and repeat

T: Oh, yes. Let’s listen! What are they saying? (课件展示Sound time中前两句,让学生听)

Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes.

T: Can you read after it?

S: Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes.

T:Well done. Please think how to answer?让学生思考并模仿chant的节奏进行回答:

I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress.

S1: I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress.

S2: I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress.

T: Wonderful! Now let’s chant together.

S:Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes.

I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress.

3. Choose and read

引导学生用不同节奏的背景音乐来朗读 “Do you like wearing yellow? Yellow? Yellow? Yes.I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat, and a yellow dress.”

4. Read and find

(点击显示开头字母为y的单词) T: Look at these words. Can you read them?

S: you, yellow, yellow, yellow, yes, yellow, yellow, yes

(点击出现单词) T: Great! Can you read these words?

S: year yellow yes you young

T: 你们能说说y在单词中的发音吗?


T: Yes. y, y, y, /j/,/j/,/j/

S: y, y, y, /j/,/j/,/j/

T: /j/ is for “ yellow”, Can you say sth like this? S1: ....

5.(出示新单词)Think and read

“" yak, yam, yell, yellow, yoga, yo yo, yogurt, yob, yummy, young”

6. Make and say

T: I can choose these three words to make a new chant for you. Can you read them? Let’s have a try.

S1:yak T: yak S: yak

S2:yell T: yell S: yell

S3:yob T: yob S: yob

T: 一个yob, 正在yell, 引来yak!

S: 一个yob, 正在yell, 引来yak!

T: We also can chant like this. 一头yak, 追赶yob, 吓得yell!

S: 一头yak, 追赶yob, 吓得yell!

7.Ticking time

Step 4. Homework

1. T Write down your group members’ hobbies. 写一写你组员的爱好。例如:

e.g. Mary likes drawing. ……

2. Try to use the dictionary.请尝试学会使用字典查找三个y在开头的新单词,要求会读并了解该单词的意思,下节课进行交流。


课前我运用节奏感较强的chant来吸引学生的注意力,复习巩固了前面所学的语音知识,并由此自然过渡到本课时语音的教学,在教学时,我利用多种方式引出单词Lets spell部分的单词,再通过让学生跟读该部分的单词及chant,感知单词的发音并尝试总结发音规则,学生表现较好。但是部分学生对于u由和ue在单词中两种不同的发音仍易混淆,出错。在后续课中,我还需鼓励学生多听录音,多予以学生单词发音技巧上的指导。






李文文 本节课教学效率高,课堂容量很大,学生思维活跃,气氛热烈。不同层次的学生都能参与,学生收益面大。从我的记录来看,将近三分之二的学生都举发言且仅有少量错误,而且很多情况下学生对自己在回答中的失误都能自己给予纠正,这说明,该班级的不同层次的学生都学有所得。通过这堂课,我更加清楚认识到一个课堂只有让学生积极参与,才为有效,才为有趣。一个课堂,老师说的在多,学生不会也是低效;老师真正应该是引导者,这样不仅减轻了学生的负担,也培养了学生的自主学习能力,当然老师的引导作用很大,而且应该逐步检测学生的掌握情况,这样课堂也才不流入形式。



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