发表日期:2021/5/17 18:45:25作者:袁霞 有747位读者读过
二、上课内容:五下英语Unit 6 In the kitchen Story time
五、教案:Unit 6 In the kitchen Story time
1、 能听懂、会读、会说单词:bread,meat,potato,tomato,vegetable,look for,love
2、 能听懂、会读、会说Are you …ing?及回答,初步感知了解现在进行时的一般疑问句句
3、 能正确的理解课文,朗读课文并表演课文,在教师指导下根据板书复述课文
4、 能初步运用本课所学词汇或句型交流
1、 能正确理解课文,朗读并表演课文,在教师指导下根据板书复述课文
2、 能初步运用本课所学词汇或句型交流
1、 多媒体课件,音频,视频
2、 人物头像,图片
Step 1 warming up
1 enjoy two songs?
Q;what can you hear from the songs?
教读 vegetable tomato and potatoes and yummy
2 self introduction
T: i like cooking. I like making friends.
I am good at cooking meat with potatoes.
3 play a game
Step 2 presentation
Let’s ask
T: Can you ask more question about the picture?
Ss: …
Listen and choose
T: You ask so many good questions. Here are two questions for you. Please listen carefully.
(1) What time is it?
(2) Where are they? –(Present the title)
Read and complete
T: What are they doing in the kitchen?Read paragraph 1 and 2, and underline the key words.
Ss: Mr Liu is…
T: How do you know? Can you read the sentence?
T: What is Mrs Liu doing?
How do you know?
What does she want to do?
T: What is Liu Tao doing?
Why is he looking for the juice?
Read and answer
T: Dinner is ready. How’s the dinner? Please read paragraph 3 quickly.
Step 3 Practice
Let’s read
T: You did a good job. Now, let’s read after the tape. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Read and act
T:Read together, you can get 1 star. Read in roles, you can get 2 stars. Act out the story, you can get 3 stars.
Let’s retell
T: You act well. Now listen to me. It’s 6 o’clock in the evening. Liu Tao’s parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. Mr Liu is cooking meat with potatoes. It’s yummy. Mrs Liu is washing some vegetables. She wants to cook some tomato soup. It’s nice. Liu Tao is looking for some juice because he is thirsty.
Ss: practice and show
4. Read and write
Step 4 consolidation
1 listen and think
What’s wrong with my friend Lucy?
What should she do ?
Ss: eat fruit\ eat vegetable\ do exercise
2 write and report
What should we do to have a healthy diet?
Step 5 Homework
Read the story time and try to retell
Do some things for your family and try to talk about it.
Blackboard design:
读前活动,简明扼要,复现旧知,搭建思维桥梁。上课伊始,教师在Brain storming环节让学生听歌曲后说出于food ,vegetables相关的单词,既帮他们复习了旧知,活跃了学生的思维,又引出了本课的新单词,并教授,同时又 设计了一个关于老师的介绍,设计了Lucy的存在。为最后writing环节备好了思维框架和准备。
读中活动,听说读写活动综合练习,提升学生阅读能力。首先学生看插图试着提问并回答,预知故事内容。这个环节我在上课中有点混乱。然后看动画回答问题What do they have for dinner? 整体理解文本,抓住本文中心dinner,教学本课的几个生词potato, tomato, meat,这样课文中的生词就解决了,为后面进入文本的学习做好了准备。在进入文本后,老师提出问题,引导学生获取细节信息,指导学生在文中找关键句多读,以便更好地理解文本内容。而阅读提示指导学生更有效地进行个人学习和小组合作,从而完成阅读任务。然后请学生小组合作学习生问生答的方式引导学生深入理解课文。通过鼓励学生ask more questions引导学生主动提问,再次精读课文,培养学生的问题意识。在学生基本了解文本的基础上完成问题How’s the meat/soup?What does Liu Tao think of it? 引导学生反复朗读it’s Yummy. It’s nice. I love it.感受Liu Tao对父母的积极评价,引导学生学会感恩父母,赞赏父母为你做的事。最后学生跟录音朗读,完成刘涛的自述和有关课文的问答。
读后环节,我设计了一个小情景,我的好朋友Lucy的饮食结构不健康,所以她应该做什么呢、我先让同学们想想然后最后写写,她应该怎么做,引出吃蔬菜 吃水果和多运动。
本课时是学习课文内容,除了能理解课文意思,简单复述课文,还要了解现在进行时。 所以,童老师在设计课堂活动时根据小学生的心理和年龄特征,更加注重激发学生学习英语的强烈愿望,使他们乐学、乐讲、乐用英语。
Unit6这单元教学的内容非常生活化,课文呈现了和睦的家庭状态,爸爸烧菜,妈妈洗菜烧菜,刘涛踢球回家吃饭,吃饭时候赞扬肉和菜的味道。这些动作都在图片中展示,呈现正在发生的样子,因此,在课堂开始,先以“蔬菜歌”复习了名词,动词词组。利用学生的好奇心,让学生仔细看图,动口说,很自然的就引出了课文内容。“Let me try! Let me try!”的呼声说明了学生多想再玩一次抢答游戏。“见好就收”让学生学习英语的热情延续到课后,是多好的学习效果啊!
在教学课文内容时,先呈现厨房,让学生猜What’s in the kitchen?然后学生就猜想厨房里有什么,引出课文内容,在描述刘涛和他的父母亲的活动。其次设计了复述课文环节,首先根据课文内容填空,然后集体朗读。最后,呈现一些图片,学生描述。
本科难点不多,大部分都是学过的内容,但是在回答问题中,学生不能很流利地回答问题,说明有遗忘现象,因此,应该帮学生复习以及指出重难点。例如:想知道厨房里有什么,应该用What’s in the kitchen?然后回答There is/are…这样更加学生的兴趣和实际需要。同时,在教学中,个别同学开小差,应该设计些小组活动,充分调动学生的积极性,挖掘学生的创造力。激发学生大胆参与,课堂教学达到最优化。